Dear Henry, My how you've grown

Dear Henry, My how you've grown

I wanted to settle into this home life situation before I gave a real update. Here is a day in the life on litte Mr. Henry Heart

He eats a whopping 3 ounces every 3 hours, He is still on his NICU schedule! So starting around midnight..... Wake up. Eat. Sleep. 3 am wake up. Eat. Sleep. 6am wake up. Eat. Sleep. You get the idea. He does this thing now where he doesn't just poop normal, they are a full on blowouts. Poop on my clothes, on his clothes, on my hand, in my hair... poop poop poop.

This past week he has been staying up a little longer, eating a little more, and more alert everyday. 

We now have time for baby snapchat! @goglitterati 

We average 2-3 doctors appointments a week. He is doing well on his oxygen, it's already been cut in half, we are hoping to be completely off of it by Christmas! It is challenging moving from room to room and being attached to a wall by a tube, but it's getting easier as we get more used to the logistics of it. He is growing like a damn weed. His first pediatrician appointment he weighed 6 pounds 5 ounces, 2 weeks later he weighed in at 7 pounds 13 ounces. He has been on added calories since the NICU so the Dr. cut them back and everyone is very happy with his growth!

Here he is at his second Dr appointment... busting out of that preemie outfit!

Here he is at his second Dr appointment... busting out of that preemie outfit!

He is exhausting but so so worth every sleepless night! They say "sleep when he sleeps", that just doesn't work out in this house, when he sleeps I just want to stare at him! I'm loving every minute of it.... even the poop!


P.s He loves lips!

Dear Henry, world prematurity day

Dear Henry, world prematurity day

Dear Henry, the day you saw the sky

Dear Henry, the day you saw the sky