Dear Henry, you need some blood and thats ok

Dear Henry, you need some blood and thats ok

July 10th was the first we had heard of a possible blood transfusion. The doctor said Henry and baby's this size only have about 2 ounces total of blood in their little bodies, and with all of the tests they run, sometimes they need a little help. 

Henry needed the help.

So that night Matt and I sat from 10:15pm to 12:15am and watched this syringe with not very much blood go into Henry's little IV in his foot. There are things that can go wrong... but they are few and far between so we tried to focus on all of the good this will do for him, most importantly this added blood will help the oxygen travel throughout his body easier. 

We went home and waited, by 2am we hadn't received a phone call, which meant that nothing was wrong, but we wanted to make sure. Matt called, and sure enough Henry was not rejecting the blood and we were in the clear. I was so glad to hear this but I still worried about our little one...The part I just couldn't get off my mind was that the transfusion meant that Henry wouldn't be able to eat for 36 hours. They assured me that he was still getting his nutrients through IV, the thought just made me sad. 

The next morning, July 11th, when we went in, it was obvious that the blood was making Henry feel good, his color was good, his heart rate was good, his blood oxygen content was good and he seemed content. 

my favorite part of the day was that Matt got to hold Henry again.... but this time was even more special because He left Matt a gift... a little pee stain! 

Later that day Henry would be getting a scan on his heart... the next worry is a hole in his heart or un closed valves or a murmur. At this point we didn't know what any of that meant.... but we would find out soon enough...



Dear Henry, the perfect Heart

Dear Henry, the perfect Heart

Dear Henry, People want to know...did we bond?

Dear Henry, People want to know...did we bond?