Dear Henry, Here's how we celebrated year 1.... in pictures!

Dear Henry, Here's how we celebrated year 1.... in pictures!

I planned and planned and planned.... but honestly nothing felt like it was coming together until my mom actually made me sit down and write out a birthday party game plan. We invited 70 people, 75 people showed up, we couldn't have asked for a better turn out. The amount of love in the room was immeasurable. Everyone was there to celebrate our little miracle, and it was a magical evening! Our theme was paper airplanes! Enjoy!

It was the happiest of birthdays for the best little boy! 

- Nikki

As always thank you to our wonder friend, Tina, at Pure In Art Photography, for capturing this wonderful day so perfectly! 

The big reveal....

The big reveal....

Dear Henry, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

Dear Henry, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!