Dear Henry, the results are in...

Dear Henry, the results are in...

On Friday July 8th, we woke up hoping to hear about the brain scan results. I went to the hospital early and asked right away, but the results weren't in yet. So Henry and I just hung out, I held him and we had a great day. He had a nice big poop! Poops are very exciting, it means that his gut is off to a good start, which was another worry checked off. My dad hung out most of the day with us. Once Matt was off he was with us too, I know how much Matt hates going to work right now, but he is making sure the restaurant running smooth while I watch Henry grow, so when Henry goes home we can hang out with him at home and not think about Nook for a little while. I know I'm going to have to go back eventually... I just don't know when, and I'm not looking forward to it. 

Saturday was the day.... as soon as we walked in the doctor was with Henry doing a little check up. It's scary to see a doctor at the bed side so early, I think the nurses know its scary because a few people said "It's just a routine check up, Henry is fine". I asked him right away about the scan and he started with his medical terminology and realized he lost me and said "It's good news" and dumbed it down a little. No brain bleeds to note and no fluids pooled in any cavities. SUCH GOOD NEWS! Another scare put to rest! There will be a followup on the 18th but right now we are good. The doctor ended with the comment "Good is just a lack of bad for a long time", they are always trying to keep our expectations realistic... I find myself ignoring him and throwing imaginary glitter and confetti in the air. 

That wasn't the best part of Saturday.... today Matt got to hold Henry for the first time.... out of everything Matt and I have done together, out of all of our happy times and happy memories... This is what it's all about. There is something about seeing the man of your dreams, your soulmate, your beginning and your end holding this beautiful perfect miracle that we created together. I stared at them for hours and thought about how much I wished we could take him out of here and start our life, and spoil him! You guys know I don't have any patience... I'm working on it.




Dear Henry, People want to know...did we bond?

Dear Henry, People want to know...did we bond?

Dear Henry, Let me tell you about your nurses...