Dear Nori, the life of a pug.

Dear Nori, the life of a pug.

1 blog post a year is unfortunate but realistic. So many things have happened and it’s just hard to stop, and keep this thing going, but it’s often on my mind. I have to remember that this is for me, to look back on, the good and the bad. Today I’m coming to you heartbroken and I felt it deserved the time.

11 years ago Matt, Lola and I welcomed the tiniest pug, Nori, into our family with open arms. She has brought joy and happiness to our lives every day since.

3 week ago, we lost our sweet girl, and I’m just now accepting it.

Nori has lived in our townhouse, to my parents house, then Marino valley, Palm Springs, back to my parents, Utah, Wyoming, West Virginia, back to my parents, another town house, a real house, another town house and finally the house we are in now. She has made every single one of those places home.

She is the perfect amount of sass, love, sweetness and attitude. She is everything to me.

Nori helped me through the lowest parts of my life and was with me to celebrate the highest points. She really is everything to me.

She hated crowds and public, she got nervous in groups and was a home body through and through. She loved to spend her days playing with Lola, laying in the grass and eating. She slept by my side every night, her soft fur gave me comfort that I never took advantage of.

She had the softest, tiniest ears.

We spent the last month together soaking up the moments that we all knew were so precious.

Then on the morning we knew was our last together we laid nose to nose alone for hours. I wasn’t ready, I never would have been.

Goodbye my sweet Nori, I hope you are somewhere surrounded by popcorn.

Dear Henry, and then there were four!

Dear Henry, and then there were four!

Dear Henry, on your 3rd birthday

Dear Henry, on your 3rd birthday